Friday, July 1, 2011

Mid Year Resolutions

I would like to preface my first official post on my newest blog with a hello! I finally got my blogger account out of my Pitt email and onto my gmail, so I can start to post. I have a few posts that I've started on, but saved as drafts, so I plan to first go through those and post my previous [and hopefully, still relevant] thoughts.

So its July. Where did the first half of the year go?! I feel like the Black and Gold New Years Blackout at 319 Meyran was just last weekend!! Since then, we've countless 21st birthdays (mine included!), and had our ups and downs as a group of friends. Life is good all around. But its July. So its time for Mid Year Resolutions. Everyone can make New Years Resolutions, but does anyone really keep them for more than a couple of weeks? Mid Year Resolutions give me a chance to reevaluate my life so far and decide what I want to change about myself so far through 2011. So here goes:

1. I want to stop needless gossiping. I like gossip as much as the next girl, but sometimes the things said [myself included] could really hurt someone. If someone wants me to know something, they will tell me on their own terms. Now, that's not to say that I won't engage in the occasional what-happened-last-night gossip and whatnot, but I want to try to scale back certain types of gossip in my life.

2. I want to be a vegetarian again. It makes me feel so much better and healthier-and it's cheaper, which is definitely an added bonus. Along with that, I want to go to the gym more often and get into a little bit better shape. Not that I am unhappy with how I look or feel now, but there's always room for improvements.

Other than those lofty goals, I just want to make the most of everyday, enjoying time with my stellar friends, my amazing boyfriend, and with the kids I work with. Life is good. :)

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